Episode 7 - Dinner

So things got a little heated at dinner. lol But seriously, there was a lot more conversation at the dinner table then what was shown. Brooke and I barking at each other was just a small topic of discussion, and it was actually a really low-key, fun night. Our debate had nothing to do with what happened with Christian, and nothing to do with the aftermath. It was 100% about her usage of the word "disastrous" when describing our date. Maybe I was nervous, but a first date in front of a camera crew would make most men nervous (or at least i think so).
Ah well, I was really trying my best to grub hard on Bridgett's cooking that night. Although shes got nothing on me when it comes to skills in the kitchen, I have to give her some credit.... That Georgia Peach can cook! The food had me so caught up, that the only thing I even took away from that exchange with Brooke was "you are hella good-looking". LOL See, even in the most awkward of conversation, you got to take with you the positive!
I am just glad that we have all moved on. I know that the show spread this little, tiny piece of drama into three episodes, but in real life this lasted a total of like 4 days. It was just a blip on the radar screen which happened to make good television, and wasn't nor will ever be the drama that it is made out to be.
On a different note, I moved last week! I moved to a different location in Harlem, and am so excited. Shout out to my boys Billy, Pretty Lou, AP and WEB. These guys, on about 1 hour notice, trekked all the way from Trenton NJ to Harlem to get me moved in a random Tuesday night. I love you guys for this, and although I have met some great people since I have been here in Harlem, there is something special about the people who have been with you from the start.
Also, there is a chance I may be making an appearance in Philly sometime this weekend. I am not sure the details or the exact day and time, but I will be sure to keep you all posted on anything that could be popping off in the city of brotherly love!

Episode 6 - Drama!

First off, I would like to thank both Johnny Utah’s and everyone that came out to support the show. It was a great success last night, and I think everyone had a good time. The liquor was flowing, the show was running on 3 screens, and you all got to see the big man ride the bull!!! Its not everyday you get to see a 6’6 black man ride a bull, so I’m glad I could bless everyone with an experience of a lifetime. I hope that we can do more events like this in the near future, so I will be sure to keep you all posted.
But about the show…. Whoa! Drama-filled night last night and I am pretty proud to say that I was able to stay away from the majority of it. Christian and I had our talk, I told him how I felt (which you all saw), he told me how he felt and it’s done. I am a pretty rational dude most of the time, so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. If a woman that looked like that was coming at you in a club, would Pierre Downing be the first thing that comes to your head? You don’t even need to give me an answer, because I already know. Plenty of fish in the sea, so please don’t worry about me. LOL
Don’t forget to leave any comments or remarks about me or the show. I read every post on a daily basis, and don’t be shy about asking me some tuff questions. I will do my best to answer even the most hard hitting ones right here on the blog site.

©2009 Pierre Downing | by TNB